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Error handling

Tags: Go

In Go 1.13 error wrapping was introduced as part of the standard library. This post was written before the update to the errors package.

Go is a language that does not provide exceptions. Instead, an operation can return an error. Errors are values that implement the error interface.

I have worked with several errors handling patterns over the years and I would like to summarize my experience focusing on the good solutions.

For the purpose of this post, let us imagine a very simple banking application. Accounts are represented by their numeric ID and we only know how much money each account holds. No account balance can get below zero. A bank service must implement the interface below.

type BankService interface {
    // NewAccount registers a new account in this bank. The account is
    // initialized with given funds.
    NewAccount(accountID int64, funds uint64) error

    // Transfer moves funds between two accounts. It fails if an operation
    // would cause the balance of the source account to go below zero.
    Transfer(from, to int64, amount uint64) error

To keep the examples short and simple an in-memory storage is used. Anything more serious would use a database instead.

Inline error creation

It is a common thing to create errors using errors.New and fmt.Errorf as they are needed. When an operation fails you can handle the failure by creating an error instance and returning it. The created error should contain information about the cause of the failure. With that in mind let us create the first version of a banking service.

func NewBank() *Bank {
    return &Bank{
        accounts: make(map[int64]uint64),

type Bank struct {
    accounts map[int64]uint64

// Create new account with given funds. Account ID must be unique.
func (b *Bank) NewAccount(accountID int64, funds uint64) error {
    if _, ok := b.accounts[accountID]; ok {
        return errors.New("account exists")
    b.accounts[accountID] = funds
    return nil

// Transfer moves funds from one account to another.
func (b *Bank) Transfer(from, to int64, amount uint64) error {
    switch fromFunds, ok := b.accounts[from]; {
    case !ok:
        return fmt.Errorf("source account %d not found", from)
    case fromFunds < amount:
        return fmt.Errorf("cannot transfer %d from %d account: insufficient funds", amount, fromFunds)

    if _, ok := b.accounts[to]; !ok {
        return fmt.Errorf("destination account %d not found", to)

    b.accounts[from] -= amount
    b.accounts[to] += amount
    return nil

Above code presents a common way of dealing with errors. If a failure cannot be dealt with then return the error. If possible provide additional information, for example, an account ID. This is often an acceptable solution but sometimes it might not be good enough. As soon as we use the Bank instance the shortcomings are more visible.

bank := NewBank()
// ...
if err := bank.Transfer(111, 222, 10); err != nil {
    // Why did the transfer fail?

If the Transfer call returns an error it is not possible to learn about the reason and distinguish different cases. As a human analyzing the text message, we can tell what went wrong. If you want your code to react differently if one of the accounts does not exist and do something else when there are not enough funds on the source account then you have a problem.

Predefined errors

To provide more insights into the Transfer method failures one may declare all expected errors upfront.

For each failure case declare a corresponding error instance. Compare an error returned by the Transfer method with all error definitions it can return to discover the cause.

// Transfer moves funds from one account to another.
// Upon failure returns one of
//   ErrNoSourceAccount
//   ErrNoDestinationAccount
//   ErrInsufficientFunds
func (b *Bank) Transfer(from, to int64, amount uint64) error {
    switch fromFunds, ok := b.accounts[from]; {
    case !ok:
        return ErrNoSourceAccount
    case fromFunds < amount:
        return ErrInsufficientFunds

    if _, ok := b.accounts[to]; !ok {
        return ErrNoDestinationAccount

    b.accounts[from] -= amount
    b.accounts[to] += amount
    return nil

var (
    // ErrNoSourceAccount is returned when the source account does not
    // exist.
    ErrNoSourceAccount = errors.New("no source account")

    // ErrNoDestinationAccount is returned when the destination account
    // does not exist.
    ErrNoDestinationAccount = errors.New("no destination account")

    // ErrInsufficientFunds is returned when a transfer cannot be completed
    // because there are not enough funds on the source account.
    ErrInsufficientFunds = errors.New("insufficient funds")

This is similar to how the io package deals with errors.

Returning a different error instance for each error case allows us to handle different failure cases accordingly. Test the returned error for being one of the predefined instances.

bank := NewBank()
// ...
switch err := bank.Transfer(1, 2); err {
case nil:
    println("money transferred")
case ErrNoSourceAccount:
    panic("source account does not exist")
case ErrNoDestinationAccount:
    panic("destination account does not exist")
case ErrInsufficientFunds:
    panic("not enough money")
    panic("unexpected error")

This is in my opinion a step in the right direction but it is too verbose. This patten requires too much code to be written. You can no longer create errors when you need them. All failure cases and respective errors must be declared upfront.

In addition, you are losing the context information that you were building using fmt.Errorf. When returning ErrInsufficientFunds you no longer know which account caused it. fmt.Errorf must no longer be used for the error instance comparison to work.

Error inheritance

In Python - a language with exceptions and type inheritance - exceptions form a hierarchy. Because each error is an instance of a class belonging to that class hierarchy each exception instance can contain a custom message and be captured by its type or any type it inherits from.

This is how a banking service could be used if implemented in Python.

    bank.transfer(from, to, amount)
except ErrAccountNotFound as e:
    print(e) # either source or destination account not found
except ErrInsufficientFunds:
    print("not enough money")
except Exception:
    print("unexpected condition")

Because in Python implementation both ErrNoSourceAccount and ErrNoDestinationAccount would inherit from ErrAccountNotFound, both cases can be handled with a single statement except ErrAccountNotFound.

When capturing an exception e refers to the exception instance containing the detailed information that can be helpful during debugging or consumed by the client. It can contain more information than just a human readable description.

Causer interface

Inheritance is not a requirement to achieve the functionality provided by Python exceptions. When considering an error it is enough if we are able to tell what was the cause of it. This is not possible with errors created using the standard library (errors or fmt packages). Instead of using the standard library, we must create our own error implementation.

What is needed is an Error structure that implements the error interface and a Wrap function that will take an error together with an additional description.

// Wrap returns an error that is having given error set as the cause.
func Wrap(err error, description string, args ...interface{}) *Error {
    return &Error{
        parent: err,
        desc:   fmt.Sprintf(description, args...),

type Error struct {
    // Parent error if any.
    parent error
    // This error description.
    desc string

func (e *Error) Error() string {
    if e.parent == nil {
        return e.desc
    return fmt.Sprintf("%s: %s", e.desc, e.parent)

In addition, it will provide a Cause method that will return the wrapped error instance or nil.

// Cause returns the cause of this error or nil if this is the root cause
// error.
func (e *Error) Cause() error {
    return e.parent

One more function is necessary for this to be complete. We must be able to compare an error with another error or its cause. The error interface does not provide Cause method so we must use type casting to determine if an error instance implements the causer interface.

Instead of a function a method of the Error structure provides a nicer API.

// Is returns true if given error or its cause is the same kind.
// If cause error provides Cause method then a comparison is made with all
// parents as well.
func (kind *Error) Is(err error) bool {
    type causer interface {
        Cause() error
    for {
        if err == kind {
            return true
        if e, ok := err.(causer); ok {
            err = e.Cause()
        } else {
            return false

Let us test the Error. All errors are created using the Wrap function which builds an error hierarchy. It is possible to attach additional information by including it in the description string.

root := Wrap(nil, "root")
child1 := Wrap(root, "child one")
child2 := Wrap(root, "child two")

fmt.Println("child 1 is root", root.Is(child1))
// child 1 is root true

fmt.Println("child 2 is root", root.Is(child2))
// child 2 is root true

fmt.Println("root is child 1", child1.Is(root))
// root is child 1 false

fmt.Println("child 2 is child 1", child1.Is(child2))
// child 2 is child 1 false

inlinedErr := Wrap(child2, "current time: %s", time.Now())
fmt.Println("inlined child 2 is root", root.Is(inlinedErr))
// inlined child 2 is root true
fmt.Println("inlined child 2 is child 2", child2.Is(inlinedErr))
// inlined child 2 is child 2 true

fmt.Println("fmt error is root", root.Is(fmt.Errorf("fmt error")))
// fmt error is root false

Above Error implementation is a powerful solution to error handling. It is easy to implement, does not require much code and it is portable without creating an explicit dependency on the causer interface.

Predefined errors with inheritance

If an error implements the causer interface we can unwind it and retrieve the previous error instance! This means that no matter how many times we will wrap an error, as long as all layers implement the causer interface we can retrieve the parent error instance.

Back to the Bank.Transfer example. All error instances were wrapped before returning and provide all the details one may expect an error to provide.

func (b *Bank) Transfer(from, to int64, amount uint64) error {
    switch fromFunds, ok := b.accounts[from]; {
    case !ok:
        return Wrap(ErrNoSourceAccount, "ID %d", from)
    case fromFunds < amount:
        return Wrap(ErrInsufficientFunds,
            "cannot transfer %d from %d account", amount, fromFunds)

    if _, ok := b.accounts[to]; !ok {
        return Wrap(ErrNoDestinationAccount, "ID %d", to)

    b.accounts[from] -= amount
    b.accounts[to] += amount
    return nil

var (
    // ErrAccountNotFound is return when an operation fails because the
    // requested account does not exist.
    ErrAccountNotFound = Wrap(nil, "account not found")

    // ErrNoSourceAccount is returned when the source account does not
    // exist.
    ErrNoSourceAccount = Wrap(ErrAccountNotFound, "no source")

    // ErrNoDestinationAccount is returned when the destination account
    // does not exist.
    ErrNoDestinationAccount = Wrap(ErrAccountNotFound, "no destination")

    // ErrInsufficientFunds is returned when a transfer cannot be completed
    // because there are not enough funds on the source account.
    ErrInsufficientFunds = Wrap(nil, "insufficient funds")

Errors can be tested on any granularity level. It is valid to compare with the high level ErrAccountNotFound or more precise ErrNoSourceAccount.

bank := NewBank()
// ...
switch err := bank.Transfer(1, 2, 100); {
case err == nil:
    println("money transferred")
case ErrNoDestinationAccount.Is(err):
    panic("destination account does not exist")
case ErrInsufficientFunds.Is(err):
    panic("not enough money " + err.Error()) // err provides more details
    panic("unexpected error")

Don’t Drink Too Much Cool Aid

What I have presented is a powerful pattern. You may use the causer interface to extract attributes or custom error implementations that were wrapped, attaching helpful information on each execution step. This might be great for example during input validation, where together with an error you want to return information about the invalid fields in a way that can be extracted later.

You can use the causer interface and the Wrap function to declare a complex tree of errors that are several layers deep and cover every possible case. If you do, think again about your use case and if such granularity is helpful. Usually, just a handful of errors declared upfront do the job better. I tend to always inline error creation first and only if a case requires more attention declare a previously inlined error.

Regardless of what you do try to avoid blindly importing any error package. Consider your use cases and try to tailor your errors implementation to suit your needs.